Execute a Free Pennsylvania Inmate Search (Prisons & Jails)

Free Pennsylvania Inmate Search
Lookup jail and prison inmates in Pennsylvania for free

Run a free Pennsylvania inmate search to look up details of individuals currently incarcerated in jails and prisons throughout the state. An inmate is someone held in a correctional facility for any reason whatsoever (they could be serving their sentences, awaiting trial, waiting for court orders, ongoing investigation, etc.).

This article instructs interested individuals on how to initiate a free inmate search (for both jails and prisons) in the state of Pennsylvania using various official resources.

Jail vs Prison Inmates: Understanding the Difference

Before citizens start their search for Pennsylvania inmates, it is pertinent to have a general understanding of the difference between a jail and a prison and know what type of offenders are housed in each of these correctional facilities.

Prisons are state-level or federal-level correctional facilities that are managed either by the state’s Department of Corrections (DOC) or the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP).1

Prisons are usually highly secure and regulated correctional facilities and house inmates who have committed serious crimes. The records of the individuals (including complete details of the inmates) serving time in prison are usually kept and regulated by the DOC of the state (in the case of state prison inmates) or the Bureau of Prisons (in the case of federal prison inmates).

On the other hand, jails are less guarded facilities made for temporarily holding individuals for various reasons (they could be awaiting trial, ongoing investigation, waiting for the court’s verdict, temporary arrest, etc.). Jails can either be county-level or municipal-level (city, town, etc).

Jails and the records of the individuals held up in them are usually managed by the county sheriff’s office (in the case of county jail) or the local police department (in the case of town or city jails).

It is also important to note here that jails are much more common and in a larger number as compared to state and federal prisons. State prisons come second after jails, and federal corrections facilities are the least common of all.

How To Track Down Details of Individuals Held in PA Jails

A Pennsylvania inmate lookup can also help interested parties in searching for individuals held up in county as well as city jails throughout the state.

Residents can also search through free Pennsylvania arrest and criminal history information to find information about offenders (the linked source also has addresses and contact information of all county jails in the state for the convenience of users).

To search inmates currently held in the Westmoreland County jail, Pennsylvanian researchers can use the county government’s official free online inmate locator tool. Residents can search through all inmates or select a category such as last name, unit, booking number, or commitment date to filter the search.

The search results will provide a wide range of information about the inmate including date of birth, booking number, current location, etc.

A screenshot of the prison inmate search results from Westmoreland county jail displaying the inmates' names, birthdates, booking numbers, commitment dates, , units, and an option for inmate notifications.
Source: Westmoreland County Jail2

In addition to that, the county government also provides a complete list of all inmates currently incarcerated in its jail that can be viewed by the public.2

To look for additional details of the Westmoreland County jail inmates such as bond information or the nature of the offense committed by them, researchers can file an official request through the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania Web Portal.3

Interested individuals can also directly contact the Westmoreland County correctional facility for details of inmates using the following credentials:

Westmoreland County Correctional Facility
3000 South Grande Boulevard
Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601

Phone: 724-830-6000

In case a resident wants to search inmates held up in the correctional facilities of the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, they can use the city Department of Prisons (DOP) official free online Incarcerated Person Locator.4, 5

Interested individuals can perform searches on this tool using the inmate’s PID (Prison Identification) number or full name along with their date of birth. The search results will provide a variety of information about the individual including their location, full name, physical description, etc.

A screenshot from the department of prisons of Philadelphia displaying the incarcerated person locator tool with fields for either the prison identification number, or full name and birthdate.
Source: Philadelphia Department of Prisons5

As another option, interested individuals can also contact the DOP directly for details of incarcerated individuals using the following details:

Philadelphia Department of Prisons
7901 State Road
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19136

Phone Numbers: 215-685-8394, 215-685-8395, 215-685-8396
Phone Number for Spanish Speaking Inquirers: 215-685-8392

Furthermore, the Department of Prisons also has a complete list of correctional facilities in the city along with addresses and contact details so residents can directly contact these facilities and request information about inmates.6

How To Acquire State Prisoner Information (Free Pennsylvania Inmate Search)

Searching Pennsylvania inmates can help researchers obtain details of state prisoners. The Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (DOC) manages all the prisons in the state as well as the record of the inmates housed in these facilities.

For the convenience of residents, the department has set up an official, free online inmate locator that provides details of all individuals currently in the custody of the state DOC.

Residents can search inmates using different criteria such as full name, DOC ID numbers, date of birth, etc. Other criteria such as age, gender, county, and ethnicity can also be added to filter the search for more accurate results. The results will include details such as the inmate’s current custodial status, location, basic physical description, and committing county.

Screenshot of an inmate detail from the state department of corrections locator displaying the offender's mugshot, inmate number, name and aliases, birthdate, and other identifiers.
Source: Pennsylvania Department of Corrections7

In addition to that, this locator can also be used to search active parolees in the state of Pennsylvania. The state’s DOC and Parole Board updates the data of this regulator daily so that citizens can have access to the most recent inmate records.8 

Tip: You can also review the tutorial on accessing all Pennsylvania parolee records for further insights; alternatively, for other types of supervised offenders, check out the PA probationer lookup overview.

In addition to the aforementioned method, an official inmate details request can also be filed to the state DOC online. The department can also be directly reached out to for information about currently incarcerated inmates using the following details:

Central Office Pennsylvania Department of Correction
1920 Technology Parkway
Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania 17050

Phone: 717-728-2573
Email: ra-contactdoc@pa.gov

Here are links to some helpful pages from the Pennsylvania DOC official website:

How To Find Information on Federal Prisoners

An inmate search in Pennsylvania will not be able to give details of federal prisoners as federal facilities are managed by the central government. All the federal prisons in the country as well as the records of federal inmates are kept by the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP).9

The department has an online inmate locator that can be used to find information about federal prisoners.

This search tool can be used by residents to locate federal prisoners using their full names or BOP Register Number. Details such as age, projected release date, sex, location and sentence length will be included in the results.

The BOP inmate locator only has information of prisoners incarcerated after 1982.

The National Archives Records Administration (NARA) and Public Access to Electronic Court Records (PACER) can be used to find records dating before 1982 The NARA facilities are located throughout the U.S. and residents can also choose to visit them in person to obtain records.

For PACER, there is a complete guide on how to best use the service that citizens can read.10

This article contains complete instructions on how to carry out a free Pennsylvania inmate search to find details of all inmates in the state (whether they are in jail or prison) through official sources.


1Federal Bureau of Prisons. (n.d.). About Us. Retrieved February 5, 2024, from <https://www.bop.gov/about/>

2Westmoreland County Jail. (n.d.). Westmoreland County Prison Inmates. Retrieved February 5, 2024, from <https://apps.co.westmoreland.pa.us/prison/PrisonInmates/PRISON_INMATES.ASP?name=smith>

3Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts. (n.d.). Case Information. The Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania Web Portal. Retrieved February 5, 2024, from <https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/CaseInformation.aspx>

4Philadelphia Department of Prisons. (n.d.). Philadelphia Department of Prisons – Homepage. Retrieved February 5, 2024, from <https://www.phila.gov/departments/philadelphia-department-of-prisons/>

5Philadelphia Department of Prisons. (n.d.). Incarcerated Person Locator. Retrieved February 5, 2024, from <https://incarceratedperson-locator.phila.gov/#/>

6Philadelphia Department of Prisons. (2022, January 7). Facilities. Retrieved February 5, 2024, from <https://www.phila.gov/departments/philadelphia-department-of-prisons/about/facilities/>

7Pennsylvania Department of Corrections. (n.d.). Inmate Search Results – Inmate Details. Retrieved February 5, 2024, from <https://inmatelocator.cor.pa.gov/#/Result>

8Pennsylvania Parole Board. (n.d.). Contact Us. Retrieved February 5, 2024, from <https://www.parole.pa.gov/ContactUs/Pages/default.aspx>

9Federal Bureau of Prisons. (n.d.). Inmate Locator Information. Retrieved February 5, 2024, from <https://www.bop.gov/inmateloc/about_records.jsp>

10Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. (n.d.). How to Use PACER. Public Access to Court Electronic Records. Retrieved February 5, 2024, from <https://pacer.uscourts.gov/help/pacer>